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User ID (BAC Office)Sowutuom
Name of Officer Reporting BENJAMIN TETTEH ADDO
Name of EnterpriseJawhara Farms Ventures
Startup or Ongoing Business Ongoing
Date of Commencement2023-07-25
Surname of Entrepreneur (Reg. Contact Person):Nkum
First Name of Entrepreneur (Reg. Contact Person):Beatrice
Type of EnterpriseAgro Processing
Address of EnterpriseOmanjor Lorry Station
Tel. No. 233543854017
Location (Describe):Omanjor Lorry Station
Capital Outlay50000
Type of EquipmentFeed Machine, Grinder, Mixer, Dryer
Value of Equipment50000
Details of Clientele (Number, Purchasing Power etc.)A FACTORY OF 5 EMPLOYEES
LinesProduction of feed
Turnover (annual):20000
Number of Employees5
Ownership of Premises/RentalOwned
Business Registration Certificate No.BN675600723
Certificate (type)Sole Proprietorship
TypeMaize, Fish meal, Soya bean, Wheat bran, Flour, Oil, Vitamins, Methionine, Lysine, Salt
Monthly Usage5 bags
Financial AssistanceNo
Training RequirementsDigitilization
Recommendations after site visit (Please Tick)Open a Bank Account
Recommendations by Head of BAC/Project OfficerAs per my observation, Jawhara Farms Ventures as a sole proprietorship business which has followed the required procedures during incorporation and there are no significant inconsistencies found in the process.
I therefore recommend Jawhara Farms Ventures.
Recommendations by Regional Manager|

Signature: .................................... Date: .........../.............../2023
Approved by Chief Executive Officer|

Signature: .................................... Date: .........../.............../2023
